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What customers are saying -

"I am delighted to report that the mug arrived safely today.  I couldn’t wait to unpack it, and I couldn’t be more pleased.  It looks indistinguishable to me from original mugs which have been buried for centuries.  Your replica could well fool even a specialist.  I can’t wait to see more of your replicas—please make many more, and soon!"           

          -Boulder, Colorado

I am displaying your replica alongside an original, and to tell the truth, it is difficult to tell them apart.  That’s how good your work is.  Keep it up.  Can’t wait for your next batch of MV black on white.  Please keep me in the loop! 

         -A.T., 2021

"As an erstwhile museum registrar of a design museum I appreciate having the history of the jar and its data. Years ago, before we moved from Manhattan to southwest New Mexico we camped in Chaco Canyon as tourists but never learned about Room 28.  I want you to know what appreciative hands your jar has arrived in. Its shape is so graceful, its firing marks are so alive, and I love the one precious "imperfection" of the overflowing diagonal line. I love its "ring" and I love its lugs. Your jar lives near my place at our 10ft long, alligator juniper dining table in our sunroom which is overflowing with plants and trees so I am with it every mealtime."            -Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths

"I think the women who look over Cherylene Caver's shoulder as she works must like what they see. Probably brings fond memories."

"I am so glad we chanced to be there that day and I was able to get #132 jar - it is an exquisite little piece and when I hold it, I not only appreciate your skill and artistry in replicating it, but I imagine the person whose creativity required her to adorn and make uniquely individual a practical item.  A spiritual tie to someone who lived a millennial ago.  You must experience that bond in great intensity."            -Morro Bay, California

"Amazing! thank you and keep up the good work. I really love this piece."

          -A.L., July 2020


"I just opened the box.  It’s beautiful and in perfect condition.  Thank you so much!"

          -J.N.,  August 2019


"We love the bowl and ladle!  The replication of the ladle left me speechless .... it is amazing!  BTW-The packaging held up great during transportation."

           -Verona, New Jersey, 2020


"Wow! I am amazed! You really are a gifted artist and expert on replicating ancestral puebloan pottery. I am very impressed! The bowl is beautiful.  Don't know how you learned so much about the clays!   Thanks again" 

          -Granger, Texas,  August 2020


"I have several pieces of Clint Swink’s and Gregory Wood’s.  I love the old pottery but refuse to buy prehistoric pieces. I think it leads to looting of ancient sites.  So I buy what I consider to be really great pieces of reproduction pottery."

          -Lawerence, Kansas

"OMG Cherylene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....they're BEEEE-UUUUU-TIFUL!!!!

All arrived in great shape!....and my postman LOVED having to watch me unwrap them....he knows nothing about it, but could recognize how exquisite they are, and he completely enjoyed seeing them being unwrapped!!  You are a very special person to be able to create and understand the context of what you're able to make.  It's my honor to have "met" you.  Your work and efforts (and professionalism with the business transaction) are 100% outstanding in every regard.  I truly hope we can meet you someday.  {*****} will go completely apeshit (psychological term) when she sees these pieces! outstanding....I'm going back to the workshop (man cave) to go look at them again before I must wrap them back up again.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!"

"These items have already (and it will double shortly) become some of our most precious possessions.  I cannot tell you how much we enjoy finding sherds in the wild, how much we love, respect, and appreciate these sherds, and the people who made them.  With this respect comes the knowledge that we can never own them, or take them from where they lay.  Your pots, your "babies", are a salve for the immense ache that we feel by missing "our" discovered sherds.  Now we'll be able to see beauty like this every single day!  It's a wonderful feeling.  I sure hope that sounds like my heart's singing also, because it is."

           -Calabasas, California

"Thank you so much for making these spectacularly beautiful things out of dirt….+ a huge dose of your sweat ‘n soul.  I couldn’t be more pleased"


It’s a plus to give a gift that I know will be appreciated. 

          -Cambria, California

Thank you all for the encouragement, it keeps me going -Cherylene

I do my best to ask permission to use your words.  But sometimes I forget. If you recognize one of the quotes as yours and would like it removed please contact me and it will be promptly.  On the other hand, if you have purchased a piece and would like to add your testimonial, please email me.  I believe it helps others to trust me personally, to trust in the quality of the pieces and in making the decision to become a collector of my work.

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